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The production of an Environmental and Health Declaration Sheet (FDES) is governed by standard NF EN 15804+A2 and its national complement.

This declaration, drawn up under the responsibility of manufacturers, is based on the results of their product’s Life Cycle Assessment.

It summarizes a product’s environmental and health characteristics for all phases of its life:

A1- Raw materials
A2- Raw materials transportation
A3- Production
A4- Transporting the product to the installation site
A5- Implementation
B1 to B7- Processing
C1 to C4- End of life

FDESs can be :

> Individual when they concern a single manufacturer.

> Collective when they concern several manufacturers.

French regulations make verification mandatory
environmental declarations by an independent third party.

The list of accredited auditors for the Inies program is available at: https: //

LCA  (Life Cycle Assessment) is an “environmental assessment method that quantifies the impacts of a product, service or process over its entire life cycle, from the extraction of its raw materials through its implementation and use, to its end-of-life treatment”.

An FDES is an EPD.

 The FDES is the specifically French form of the EPD, which differs essentially in the additional health data it contains, and in the procedures set out in the national supplement to NF EN 15804+A2.

The FDES complies with the Inies Program standard, while the EPDs comply with the standard of the country in which they were produced. For example: IBU program for Germany, Totem program for Belgium, EPD Italy for Italy etc…

Building products are subject to NF EN 15804+A2:2019 and its national complement NF EN 15804/CN+A2:2022.

You will have to collect data:

> with your raw materials suppliers regarding procurement and transport,

> in-house, relating to your production process, consumption, waste management and sales.

An individual FDES covers one or more products and/or commercial references from a single manufacturer.

A collective FDES covers one or more products and/or commercial references from several manufacturers.

It is generally based on the calculation of an average of representative data for these manufacturers and the product(s) covered.

The methodology applicable to the production of collective FDES is governed by Appendix O of the national supplement to NF EN 15804+A2 .

A specific FDES covers a single product (a single commercial reference).

A range EHSF covers several products and/or commercial references.FDES

It is generally based on the calculation of an average of representative data for the products covered.

The production of range FDES is governed by appendix O of the national supplement to NF EN 15804+A2, which sets limits.

FDESs are valid for 5 years from the date of verification.

They must be updated in the event of major changes in supplies and processes.

A configurator is a publicly available application that can be used toedit verified FDESs on demand, based on pre-determined configurable input data.

Decree of December 23, 2013 relating to the environmental declaration of certain construction and decoration products intended for use in building works / Order of December 23, 2013 relating to the environmental declaration of construction and decoration products intended for use in building works / Order of August 31, 2015 relating to the environmental declaration of electrical, electronic and HVAC equipment intended for use in building works :

All those responsible for marketing a building product or equipment that is the subject of a communication “containing environmental claims or using the terms of sustainable development or its synonyms” are required to draw up an FDES.

The FDES is the only environmental declaration format containing all the information required in a
environmental declaration in compliance with the regulation on environmental declarations for products from
construction and decoration. As part of the INIES program, a Life Cycle Information (LCI) module has been developed.
designates a data set containing the values of the environmental performance indicators of the standard
EN15804 calculated only for life cycle stages A1-A3. An ICV is therefore not a declaration
It does not contain all the required information.

There is a de facto obligation: for RE 2020 software, if your product is not listed in the Inies database, then your product does not exist.

> Because drawing up an FDES is a legal obligation.

All those responsible for marketing a building product or equipment that is the subject of a communication “containing environmental claims or using the terms of sustainable development or its synonyms” are required to draw up an FDES.

> To respond to calls for tender :

FDESs are now required as part of the technical specifications of tender documents.

> For your products to be specified on sustainable building projects certified by the Énergie-Carbone (E+C-), BBCA, HQE, BREEAM or LEED labels.

> To be included in the INIES database

> For the visibility of your products in the eyes of MOA and MOE.

Biogenic carbon is a product of photosynthesis, by which plants transform carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air into carbon (C), which they fix. 

In the context of the RE2020 environmental regulations, this StockC indicator must be included in the environmental product data sheets of the products concerned and is expressed in kgC/UF.

The rules of ISO 14067: 2018 Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products
Requirements and guidelines for quantification (§ Electricity) must be met if
green electricity is used in a process.

This applies, for example, to the use of secondary materials (from recycling).

These characteristics are taken into account under certain conditions:

     > Your supplier must draw up a certificate indicating the specific characteristics of his product.

     > You will be required to sign an undertaking to purchase raw materials from your supplier claiming the aforementioned specific characteristics, for the duration of the FDES’s validity.

This applies, for example, to the marketing of third-party branded products.

Declarant B can, subject to various attestations, benefit from declarant A’s verified FDES, which must be adapted to suit specific circumstances (transport distance, etc.).

This greatly simplifies the procedure for verifying Declarant B’s FDES.

Yes, the importer or distributor can make the environmental declaration for a product instead of the manufacturer.
from the manufacturer. However, the FDES must comply with the same requirements whether it is produced by the manufacturer or a third party.
another player in the value chain.

No, the systems considered as buildings that must meet the RE2020 requirements are not
do not fall within the scope of the INIES program and can therefore not give rise to an FDES.

3 approaches are possible  :

     > Declaration of one or more system elements only (draining layer, filter, substrate, etc.).
     > Declaration of a complete green roof complex without vegetation (e.g. drainage layer + filter + substrate).
     > Declaration of a complete green roof complex with vegetation (draining layer + filter + substrate + plants, for example).

The addition of tables indicating coefficient values intended to extrapolate the environmental indicators of different products in a range from the FDES of one of the products in this range is not authorized following the retroactive decision of the COPIL INIES of 30/06/2023.

A reused product is a product that has already had a 1st life in use, which excludes products/surplus from construction sites, end-of-stock products etc…

TheFDESs for reused products comply with specific calculation rules.

To qualify, you need to demonstrate that the product falls into the category of re-used products, by showing the source of the product and its traceability.

Newly launched products benefit from an exception to the rule requiring data covering at least one year of production.

For these innovative products:

– Production data must cover at least 6 months of production,
– The validity of the declaration will be limited to 2 years. At the end of this period, the declaration must be
updated with production data covering at least one production year.

Our prices are among the most competitive on the market, and depend on the number of production sites, the number of raw materials used in your products, the number of suppliers, the complexity of your processes, etc.

Specific FDESs: from €5,000 excluding VAT,

Range FDES: from €6,500 excluding VAT,

ICV: from €7,000 ex VAT,

EPD to FDES: from €3,500 excluding VAT,

15804+A1 to 15804+A2 : from €2,500 ex VAT,

Opportunity analysis: from €1,000 ex VAT,

Configurator and in-house application for generating FDES: consult us

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